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On Combating Corruption in 2021

07 February 2022

The Fund of Problem Loans Joint Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) systematically carries out anti-corruption work according to the approved work plan, which consisted of sections "Main, constantly planned measures to warn and prevent compliance (corruption) risks" and quarterly planned measures.

According to the first section of the Plan, measures were taken to warn and prevent compliance (corruption) risks, anti-corruption monitoring.

Separate issues of the Fund's activities were studied quarterly to identify the presence of signs of regulatory (corruption) risks. According to the results of the study, appropriate recommendations were made to the structural divisions, the Board of the Fund.

Quarterly and at the end of the year, the Board of Directors was presented with a Report-information on the measures taken to prevent corruption and on the results of monitoring compliance risks in JSC "Fund of Problem Loans”.

In accordance with Order No. 49 of April 9, 2021, the Fund conducted an internal analysis to identify corruption risks.

According to the results of the analysis, it was found that a possible corruption risk for the Fund, as an economic entity, is damage to the interests of the Fund as a result of abuse of official powers by employees of the Fund, including when interacting with individuals and legal entities through misappropriation (theft), embezzlement of money and other material values.

As a result of the work carried out, the list of positions with which contracts on full financial responsibility are concluded has been approved, the financially responsible persons of the Fund have been identified.

In addition, work was carried out on an ongoing basis to monitor compliance with the separation of powers between the Fund's employees, with the introduction of appropriate recommendations to the management to exclude such situations.

In order to build a system of anti-corruption measures in the Fund, in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption" by the decision of the Board of Directors on 19.05.2021 were accepted:

As a result of the measures taken, the work on combating corruption in the structural divisions of the Fund has been intensified.

Work on monitoring and prevention of compliance (corruption) risks continues.

Compliance Service