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On Anti-Corruption in 2023

In 2023 the Compliance Service of the “Fund of Problem Loans” JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) arranged the appropriate anti-corruption measures in pursuance of the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Anti-Corruption”.

Formation of an Anti-Corruption Culture

During 2023 anti-corruption work at the Fund was carried out on an ongoing basis, in accordance with the approved Work Plan of the Compliance Service for 2023.

The approval of the Model Provisions on anti-corruption compliance services in quasi-public sector entities, by Order of the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Anti-Corruption Service) dated March 31, 2023 No. 112, resulted in appropriate changes to the existing, and new internal regulatory documents of the Fund were adopted:

  1. Provisions on the Compliance Service of the Fund amended;
  2. Anti-Corruption Standards of the "Fund of Problem Loans" Joint-Stock Company;
  3. Anti-corruption instructions for employees of the "Fund of Problem Loans" Joint-Stock Company;
  4. Policy for detection and management of conflicts of interests of officials and employees of the "Fund of Problem Loans" Joint-Stock Company.

Seminar-conversations were held for the Fund’s employees in order to create an anti-corruption culture among them.

In order to implement the Action Plan for information work at the level of various target groups, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2022 No. 1147, posters with explanation of the anti-corruption legislation and the responsibility for corruption were placed according to the recommendations of the Anti-Corruption Service. Directories have been distributed among the Fund's employees.

The Fund’s website contains the Fund’s internal regulatory documents on anti-corruption and a link to the address for sending reports of offenses committed by the third parties in relation to the Fund, or by Fund employees.

Anti-Corruption Monitoring

In 2023, monitoring of compliance by the Fund and its employees with the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out on an ongoing basis.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors of the Fund, the reflection of property is monitored and analyzed on the Fund’s website and on other specialized e-platforms. Authorized structural units carry out this work on an ongoing basis.

Herewith the list of balance sheet property under sales is published at: Sale of the property and the property rights within the framework of work on rights of claim: Sale of the collateral property: In addition, the website also publishes a list of taxpayers’ limited-disposal property being sold: with reference to the state portal:

There were no complaints (appeals, statements, orders) regarding corrupt actions of officials and employees of the Fund (Anti-Corruption Monitoring).

A constant and ongoing work was carried out on monitoring the compliance with the division of powers between the Fund’s employees, with appropriate recommendations being made to the Fund’s management to eliminate such situations.

During the year, there were no corruption cases in which the Fund’s employees were subject to criminal prosecution, disciplinary action, or cases of dismissal of employees for negative reasons.

During the anti-corruption monitoring during the reporting period, no cases of conflicts of interest occurred in the activities of the Fund and among employees.

Compliance Service