Mon-Fri 09:00-18:30

Abdullayev Kalilla Nasurlaevich

Chairman of the Board

Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan
Date of birth: 31 December 1971
Current election date: 24 June 2024


•    Zhambyl technological institute of light and food industry (1994) Specialty «Engineer-economist»;
•    Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulati (2002) Specialty «Lawyer».  

Scientific titles, degrees, activities:
•    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Thesis topic: «State regulation of industrial production in the conditions of transition economy (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)» (2000);
•    Doctor of Economic Sciences, doctoral thesis topic: «Theory and methodology of formation and implementation of industrial policy (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan) » (2010).

Information on work activity:
•    Service in the tax authorities: started as an inspector of the Zhambyl City Tax Inspectorate of Taraz, until the head of the Departments of Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Mangistau regions (1994 - 2012);
•    Deputy Akim of Mangystau Region (2012 - 2013);
•    Vice President of the JSC «Chamber of Tax Consultants of the Republic of Kazakhstan», Almaty (2013-2014);
•    Chairman of the State Procurement Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014 - 2017); 
•    State Inspector of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017 - 2019);
•    Corporate Relations Partner of LLP «Russell Bedford International Audit Company A+partners» (2019 - 2021);
•    Vice-rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (2021 - 2024).

Functions to be performed:
•    Heads the Board of the Fund. 
•    Exercises overall control, coordination and management of all structural units and employees of the Fund.
•    Directly supervises, coordinates and directs the activities of the members of the Board, the Advisor to the Chairman of the Board, the Risk Management Department, the Legal Department, the Coordination Department, the Rights of Claims Department, and interacts with the Internal Audit Service and the Corporate Secretary.
•    Has no shares and stocks in the authorized capital of affiliates.