Hello! If a person faces issues with payments and the current terms of the Bank Loan Agreement with existing second-tier banks/microfinance organizations are not satisfactory, what are your instructions for a person to get clear of debts or to pay the debt on more affordable terms with the possibility of a deferment? How can one improve one's credit history?
Kindly tell us about the possibilities of restructuring and refinancing, penalties discharge and the bankruptcy procedure.
Dear User!
The Fund of Problem Loans JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) has considered your request, and reports the following within the scope of its competence.
Subpoint 19) of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of The Administrative Procedural and Process-Related Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan sets that consideration of an appeal is the adoption by an administrative body or official, within the limits of their competence, of a decision in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Fund is an organization with the main function of improving the quality of loan portfolios of the banking sector and carries out the acquisition of assets from of banks and (or) legal entities that were previously banks exclusively within the framework of the rehabilitation of the banking sector.
At the same time the Fund treats such situations with understanding, but within the limits of its authority, the Fund does not have the right to make decisions on issues of adjusting the credit histories of individuals, settling debts and other obligations on loans/microloans/online loans of individuals to other financial institutions, second-tier banks, collection agencies, private bailiffs, credit unions, pawnshops and other organizations engaged in microfinance activities, including issues of redemption, write-off, refinancing and other related procedures to ensure (assistance, assistance) in the fulfillment of obligations by an individual debtor.
Thus, in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Charter of the Fund, the issues specified in your appeal are not within the competence of the Fund.