Page not found (404)

Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in fpk.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. admin/
  2. ckeditor/
  3. ^redactor/
  4. redactor/
  5. i18n/
  6. robots.txt
  7. sitemap.xml
  8. ru/sitemap.xml
  9. ru/google29157018848abf4e.html
  10. ru/
  11. ru/ search-page
  12. ru/ active-page
  13. ru/ asset/<int:pk>/
  14. ru/ ofond
  15. ru/ infographics
  16. ru/ org-struktura
  17. ru/ main-info
  18. ru/ strateg-napr
  19. ru/ rukovodstvo2
  20. ru/ sostav-pravlenia
  21. ru/ comitet-func
  22. ru/ riski
  23. ru/ kodeks
  24. ru/ principi
  25. ru/ build-page-divi
  26. ru/ build-page-razv
  27. ru/ akti
  28. ru/ audit
  29. ru/ godovoi-otchet
  30. ru/ struktura
  31. ru/ zakup
  32. ru/ news-page
  33. ru/ contact
  34. ru/ purchase/<int:pk>/
  35. ru/ result/<int:pk>/
  36. ru/ news/<int:pk>/
  37. ru/ government/<int:pk>/
  38. ru/ director/<int:pk>/
  39. ru/ step2
  40. ru/ step3
  41. ru/ step4
  42. ru/ build-page
  43. ru/ bp-rek
  44. ru/ zakup-main
  45. ru/ zakupki-itogi
  46. ru/ 404
  47. ru/ oldfpl
  48. ru/ oldzakup
  49. ru/ new_page
  50. ru/ analitics
  51. ru/ overview-npl
  52. ru/ international-exp
  53. ru/ zakup-zcp
  54. ru/ reference-antikor
  55. ru/ information-antikor
  56. ru/ infograph-krua
  57. ru/ zalog-property
  58. ru/ anti-corruption
  59. ^media\/(?P<path>.*)$

The current path, ru/component/content/article/56-ob-yavlenie-o-pobeditele-zakupok-konsultativnykh-uslug-po-otrazheniyu-v-uchete-vykuplennykh-prav-trebovanij-aktivov-u-yuridicheskikh-lits-ranee-yavlyavshikhsya-bankami-s-uchetom-msfo-9-ao-fond-problemnykh-kreditov-i-ego-dochernikh-organizatsij, didn't match any of these.

You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.